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1989年、2003年、2014年 ー 歴史に残る出来事が起こった年も起こらなかった年もありますが、Wibu-Systemsにとっては、どれもが欠かすことのできない大事な年です。
2021年11月、IT Security Clubがオープンしました。シェアリングオフィスの常識を覆す、ITセキュリティに特化した今までにない施設です。ここでは、企業や公共機関、そして研究者は、House of IT…
ついにこの日がやってきました。2021年4月14日、WIBU-SYSTEMS AGは、Zimmerstrasse 5,76137…
The health and future prospects of our economy depend on IT security as a "fundamental enabler” technology. Artificial intelligence,…
Over the last three decades, a simple and user-friendly copy protection product for PC software launched in 1989 has evolved into a…
Cooperation, professionalism, and organizational competencies are the key factors for success in our times. While solutions are getting…
1989-2014: “25 years propelling your business to new heights” is a bold statement that only exceptional company founders and top…
Wibu-Systems, founded in 1989 by Marcellus Buchheit and Oliver Winzenried, has become a global player in its industry. With…
Wibu-Systems was founded in 1989 with the aim of developing simple and easy-to-use software protection systems. The idea was to protect…
With subsidiaries in the USA and China and sales offices in England, Ireland, Spain, Belgium and the Netherlands, as well as…
All research and development, as well as final testing of all our products, is done at Wibu-Systems headquarters in Karlsruhe, Germany.…
As a global player, Wibu-Systems provides excellent local support on almost all continents. Customers can get local support and buy…
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