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NH Milano Congress Center Hotel, Milano, Italy

A day to fully immerse yourself in the entire IoT ecosystem from sensors to the cloud, absorb key insights in verticals such as Industrie 4.0, security of embedded systems, Blockchain, and digital transformation, interact with IoT applications, learn about market-ready solutions, and meet with 40 different vendors and 20 solution partners and system integrators that are collaborating with Arrow Electronics, the host of this event and a global provider of products, services, and solutions to industrial and commercial users of electronic components and enterprise computing solutions.

Wibu-Systems, who has been advocating for Industrial Internet security and is committed to ignite dynamic monetization models in the industrial system realm, will showcase its technology together with Kontron , a global leader in embedded computing technology. Over the last few years, the two companies have been cooperating to offer ECT units that are inherently enabled for the new IoT age. The embedded CodeMeter ASIC from Wibu-Systems that comes with all new generation modules, motherboards, and systems of Kontron is the door opener for copy and IP protection. Kontron APPROTECT technology can then be further expanded with the full range of Wibu-Systems’ CodeMeter protection, licensing, and security capabilities.

As the digital transformation pervades all aspects of our society, a license-based economy that leverages customer-centric buying decisions based on the constant analysis of Big Data, delivers fully personalized services and products, and equitably rewards machine builders, component suppliers, and operational users is the only viable path towards a sustainable and thriving future.

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