Frequently Asked Questions



  • You can use CodeMeter WebAdmin on the client to check whether the CodeMeter network server is reachable.
    Please proceed as follows:
    1. Open CodeMeter WebAdmin on the client, e.g. via CodeMeter Control Center and the button "WebAdmin" at the bottom right.
    2. In CodeMeter WebAdmin, click on the double arrow at the bottom next to "localhost".
    A small window opens with the found license servers (see screenshot).

    3. If your license server is not listed, check your internal network settings.
    If the license server is listed, select it.
    4. Check the box "Use network address" and click the button "Apply".
    Now you should have CodeMeter WebAdmin open on the license server.
    If you are not using CodeMeter WebAdmin on the license server, check the CodeMeter server settings and their internal network settings.
  • Communication between protected applications and CodeMeter License Server (runtime) is based on the TCP/IP protocol. The communication default port is 22350 unless the port has been configured differently in CodeMeter WebAdmin.

    If a firewall is active on your computer, you must open port 22350 for TCP and UDP. Already during the installation of the CodeMeter Runtime, necessary settings are made in the Windows Firewall, if the option "Network Server" is activated.

    If your firewall filters the traffic using the application name, you must unblock the CodeMeter License Server service 'CodeMeter.exe'. You can find the application in the directory "%Program Files (x86)%\CodeMeter\Runtime\bin". For your firewall define the 'CodeMeter.exe' service as exception.

    Please note also that some anti-virus programs feature firewall functions. If you are uncertain, please contact the relevant vendor.
  • If the server is not found, it is often because the communication is disturbed by a firewall.
    To set the necessary firewall rules and port shares, it is often sufficient to perform a change installation for CodeMeter.
    To do this, please proceed as follows:

    1. Open Control Panel of the PC and view the installed software.

    2. Select CodeMeter and click on "Change". The installation window opens. Click on "Next" until the "Change" option is displayed as a button in the installation window.

    3. Activate the "Network Server" feature and proceed with the installation until the end.

    Now the necessary rules are registered with the Windows Firewall.
    If you have an additional firewall, e.g. antivirus programs or company-wide rules, contact your internal IT or IT service provider to transfer the Windows firewall rules/port shares.
  • Unfortunately, it is not possible to create a Server Search List centrally so that all clients can access it. This is because each client needs its own server entry in the Server Search List.
    However, there is the possibility to enter the server in the Server Search List without having to do this for each client individually.

    1. Windows Registry
    CodeMeter stores the Server Search List in the registry by default. You will find it in the following key:
    You can configure these once on a client and then export them and distribute them to your company network via group policies.

    2. Command line script:
    A batch file/shell script is created with the following command:
    cmu32 --add-server <ServerIP, Server name, URL>
    cmu --add-server <ServerIP, server name, URL>
    This file can then be delivered and executed centrally to all clients. After execution and restart of the CodeMeter service, the server is available in the Server Search List.

    3. CodeMeter.ini/Server.ini:
    Alternatively, you can extend the Server Search List using the CodeMeter.ini (Windows)/Server.ini (Linux/macOS) files.

    1. Create an empty text file named CodeMeter.ini and transfer it to the directory of the CodeMeter.exe file
    (C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeMeter\Runtime\bin).
    2. Stop CodeMeter service. Now the CodeMeter-relevant entries of the Windows Registry are entered into the CodeMeter.ini.
    3. Open the CodeMeter.ini file and find section [ServerSearchList].
    4. Add the server to the Server Search List as follows:
    For each server a separate entry must be created e.g. for a second server the entry would be:
    5. save the CodeMeter.ini file.
    6. restart the CodeMeter service.
    This CodeMeter.ini file can now be delivered to all clients and stored in the default directory. After restarting the CodeMeter service, the CodeMeter.ini file is updated and the server is in the Server Search List.
    Important: After the CodeMeter.ini file has been placed in the CodeMeter directory, the registry entries are no longer used!

    Under Linux/macOS, parameters are always addressed via the Server.ini file. The Server.ini file is therefore already present.
    Linux: /etc/wibu/CodeMeter/Server.ini
    macOS: /Library/Preferences/com.wibu.CodeMeter.Server.ini
    1. Quit CodeMeter service.
    2. Open the Server.ini file and find from section [ServerSearchList].
    3. Add the server to the server search list as follows:
    For each server a separate entry must be created e.g. for a second server the entry would be:
    4. Save the server.ini-file.
    5. Restart the CodeMeter service.

    This Server.ini file can now be delivered to all clients and stored in the default directory. After restarting the CodeMeter service, the Server.ini file is updated and the server is in the Server Search List.
  • Up to CodeMeter Version 5.10, you have to install the CodeMeter Development Kit including the Firm Code for CmDongle and/or CmActLicense on both the server computer and the clients which use the network to access the Firm Security Box (FSB) on the server. Beginning with CodeMeter Version 5.10, a fully installed CodeMeter Software Development Kit (SDK) on the server computer is no longer required for access to the FSB. A lean installation of CodeMeter as FSB server in a network environment now requires only an installed runtime and the CmFirm.wbc file. Wibu-Systems recommends an update to the most current CodeMeter version.
    In addition, the FSB on the server computer must be made available as accessible over the network.

    For installing the CodeMeter Runtime, Firm Code import, and FSB availability on the server, please proceed as follows:
    1. Install the CodeMeter Runtime you have downloaded from our website at
    Note: This step is not necessary, if you already have the latest CodeMeter Runtime installed on the computer acting as server.
    2. Import the Firm Code(s)s obtained from Wibu-Systems.
    For the licensing system CmDongle this is the file CmFirm.wbc. For the licensing system CmActLicense these are the files CmActFirm-XXX.wbc and CmFirmFI-XXX.wbc. XXX stands for the CmActLicense Firm Code.
    To start the import, please proceed as follows:
    - Drag&drop the file(s) onto the open CodeMeter Control Center.
    Alternatively: Open the "File | Import License" menu item and select the file(s) using the dialog.
    3. Configure the FSB for access on the network. If you are using CodeMeter smaller than version 6.80, please proceed as follows:
    - Open CodeMeter WebAdmin.
    - Navigate to page " Configuration | Server | License Access Privileges".
    - Activate the option "Activate FSB Access" and click the "Apply" button.
    - Navigate to the page " Configuration | Server | Server Access".
    - Activate the option "Activate" in group "Network server" and click the "Apply" button.
    - Open CodeMeter Control Center
    - Click the "Process | Restart CodeMeter Service" menu item to restart the service.

    If you use CodeMeter version 6.80 and later and the extended access list, the option "Enable access to FSB" has no influence anymore.
    Access to the FSB is enabled by default, but can be restricted using the Firm Code 99.

    For installing the CodeMeter Development Kit, Firm Code import, and the FSB availability on the client computer, please proceed as follows:
    1. Install the CodeMeter Development Kit you have downloaded after registration from our website at
    Note: This step is not necessary, if you already have the latest CodeMeter Development Kit installed on the computer acting as client
    2. Import the Firm Code(s)s obtained from Wibu-Systems.
    For the licensing system CmDongle this is the file CmFirm.wbc. For the licensing system CmActLicense these are the files CmActFirm-XXX.wbc and CmFirmFI-XXX.wbc. XXX stands for the CmActLicense Firm Code.
    For the import, please proceed as follows:
    - Drag&drop the file(s) onto the open CodeMeter Control Center.
    Alternatively: Open the "File | Import License" menu item and select the file(s) using the dialog.
    3. Configure the network settings, if the server computer is not found. Please proceed as follows:
    - Open CodeMeter WebAdmin.
    - Navigate to the page "Configuration | Basic | Server Search List".
    - Enter the IP address or DNS name of the server computer into the server search list (client list) in the group "Simple Mode settings".
    - Click the "Apply" button.
  • A) A standard "network access" (no matter if via Core API or AxProtector) is sufficient to access a CmWAN license.
    B) The CmWAN server must be entered in the server search list on the client, together with the username and password, e.g.
    C) For programming a CmWAN license a specific license entry is required, which must be purchased before.
    D) Accessing licenses on a CmWAN server works only if the licenses have been issued for CmWAN, e.g. with CmBoxPgm /plq5:wan.
    F) To program a CmWAN license via CodeMeter License Central, the configuration must be adjusted first.
    E) On the License Server, e.g. in CodeMeter WebAdmin "CmWAN Server" must be activated.
    F) The main part of the effort is setting up a CmWAN Server.
    A description of the infrastructure can be found in the CodeMeter Developer Manual in section" Extended CodeMeter Properties | CodeMeter in Wide Area Network (WAN)".
  • The use of IPV6 addresses is supported, but demands the consideration of several things.

    Server Search List
    In the Server Search List of the client, the IPV6 address must be entered without zone ID (sector ID).
    In the license access permissions of the server, the entry depends on whether these are used in simple or extended mode.

    Simple License Access Permissions
    When using simple license access permissions, the IPV6 address must be specified with the server's Zone ID (Sector ID).
    For example
    fe80::61b3:27bb:61d2:9754%11 = local connection client address
    fe80::e968:145a:680:e422%18 = connection local server address
    fe80::61b3:27bb:61d2:9754%18 = entry in simple license access permissions

    Extended license access rights
    When using the extended license access permissions, the IPV6 address must be entered without zone ID (sector ID) as in the Serv Search List.
  • To track your license usage, you can use CodeMeter License Tracking.
    This logs all successful and failed license allocations by CodeMeter License Server in a parser-friendly format. You can then automatically evaluate the generated log files.
    To do this, you can write your own tool or convert the files into a format that allows data import into third-party tools.
    A documentation of the format as well as instructions how to activate License Tracking can be found in the corresponding chapter in the CodeMeter User Help (Administrator Manual):
  • Since CodeMeter version 5.10, license access during a remote session to server operating systems (e.g. Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2016, or Windows Server 2019) is only possible, if the number of licenses is >0" and not Local AccessOnly".

    If you still try to access a license with license number=0 or "Local AccessOnly", the error "Remote access is not allowed for this license, error 239." appears.

    If the remote desktop connection is established on non-server operating systems (e.g. Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10), a license with number of licenses =0 or "Local AccessOnly" can be used in this session.
  • For systems where there are problems with the reverse DNS lookup, the reverse DNS lookup cache was introduced in CodeMeter starting with version 7.10.
    If the resolution of an IP to the corresponding DNS name takes too long, the lookup is aborted and a note is made in the cache that this IP cannot be resolved.
    This prevents this address from causing problems again and again. An address noted in this way is not attempted to be resolved again for 10 minutes.

    The timeout for the reverse DNS lookup is 10ms by default.
    However, this value can be configured in profiling using the HostNameResolveTimeout value.
    For Windows, please proceed as follows:

    1. Press the Win+R keys.
    2. Type 'regedit' and confirm with Enter.
    3. Navigate to the key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WIBU-SYSTEMS\CodeMeter\Server\CurrentVersion
    4. Adjust the value of HostNameResolveTimeout to the desired value.

    Note: If the value does not exist yet, you have to create it first with DWORD type.
  • To set up a network server access to licenses, please proceed as follows:

    1. install CodeMeter Runtime. Downloadable from the website
    2. configure CodeMeter as network server.
    - Open CodeMeter Control Center and click on the "WebAdmin" button at the bottom left.
    - Navigate in CodeMeter WebAdmin to "Settings| Server | Server Access".
    - Select the "Activate" option in the "Network server" area and confirm with "Apply".
    - Re-open CodeMeter Control Center.
    - Click Navigation entry "Action| Restart CodeMeter Service" to restart CodeMeter as a network server.

    Note: Starting with CodeMeter version 6.90 you can now choose to perform a network server installation during the installation process. Doing this will automatically perform step 2. Furthermore only this way CodeMeter will create the required firewall rule automatically. Otherwise you might need to create one yourself.

    1. install CodeMeter Runtime. Downloadable from the website
    2. configure the network settings so that the client can find the server.
    - Open CodeMeter Control Center and click the WebAdmin button at the bottom right.
    - Navigate in CodeMeter WebAdmin to "Settings| Basic| Server Search List".
    - Enter the server by DNS name or IP address in the server search list.
    - Confirm with "Apply".
  • Windows
    There are two possibilities here. Alternatively, please proceed as follows:
    1. Open "Start | Programs | CodeMeter | CodeMeter Command Prompt".
    - Enter the command "codemeter.exe -n+".
    - Press the Return key to confirm.
    Then CodeMeter runs as network server.

    2. Open the registry.
    - Press the key combination [Windows] + [R] to open the dialog "Execute".
    - Enter the command regedit and confirm with [Enter].
    - Searching for the value
    - Setting the value to IsNetworkServer= 1
    - Restart the CodeMeter service.
    (Service management or via CodeMeter Control Center | Action).
    Customize the Server.ini file. Proceed as follows:
    - Stop the CmWebAdmin Deamon (/etc/init.d/codeMeter-webadmin stop)
    - Stop the CodeMeter Deamon (/etc/init.d/codeMeter stop).
    - Open the Server.ini file under "/etc/wibu/CodeMeter" in an editor.
    - Change the entry: IsNetworkServer=1.
    - Start the CodeMeter Deamon (/etc/init.d/codeMeter start)

    Customize the Server.ini file. Proceed as follows:
    - Stop the CodeMeter Deamon via the control panel tool.
    - Open the com.wibu.CodeMeter.Server.ini file under "/Libray/Preferences" in an editor.
    - Change the entry: IsNetworkServer=1.
    - Start the CodeMeter Deamon via the control panel tool.
  • Can you please proceed as follows, to provide us with all the information we need?

    1. Reproduce the error on the client PC by starting the protected application and maybe also search for the server via CodeMeter WebAdmin on the client.
    2. Create a CmDust.log file on the client PC (after the test)
    3. Create a CmDust.log file on the server PC (after the test)
    4. Send us both CmDust.log files for analyzing.

    To create a CmDust.log file, depending on your operating system, please proceed as follows.
    By the way, you can view this log file with an editor, e.g. Notepad, so that you can see that no personal data is transmitted: all stored information is in plain text.

    1. Connect the CmDongle. This step is omitted if using CmActLicense.
    2. Open CmDust using the "Start | All Programs | CodeMeter | Tools" menu item.
    The output of the executed program is written to the text file CmDust-Result.log and saved to the user directory which automatically opens when starting CmDust.
    Alternatively, you are able to use the commandline application cmu32 to create a log file.
    3. Send this file for analyzing to

    For macOS, you create the CmDust file using the cmu commandline program. Calling cmu is stored in the search path. To create a CmDust log, please proceed as follows:
    1. Open the commandline/terminal
    2. Type in the following command cmu --cmdust.
    Using the option --file allows you to specify a name and the storage location.
    cmu --cmdust --file CmDust.log
    By default, the file displays in the screen console.
    3. Send this file for analyzing to

    For the operating systems Linux you create the CmDust file using the cmu commandline program. Calling cmu is stored in the search path.
    1. Open the commandline/terminal
    2. Type in the following command cmu --cmdust.
    Using the option --file allows you to specify a name and the storage location.
    cmu --cmdust --file CmDust.log
    By default, the file displays in the screen console.
    3. Send this file for analyzing to
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