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Wibu-Systems fornisce una risposta efficace per la protezione dalla pirateria ed il licenziamento delle sofisticate applicazioni di…
Scaling up on the strongest foundations
Encrypter Pro – Protezione dei file confidenziali per una forza lavoro remota.
Law compliance was paramount when the secure independent transfer of information about fishing activities to the e-logbook was…
Secure copy protection safeguards intellectual property representing more than 100 man-years of development. Flexible licensing…
Securing IP in the realm of digital forensics for criminal investigations of computers, mobile devices, and corporate networks. …
Wibu-Systems e GenKey sono una combinazione perfetta per l’identificazione dei votanti e la sicurezza delle elezioniLeader nelle…
Kaba's electronic safe locks, combined with an elegant Android or iOS mobile component and a secure Reslam's server platform protected…
Time reduction to integrate the protection into a driving education software for sales first, later rolled out to the enterprise…
A centrally administrated password key protection scheme based on Wibu-Systems and Rockwell Automation technologies to secure access to…
No more loose threads in the textile industry
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