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Guaranteeing optimum availability, while keeping a strict count of the purchased licenses, is a constant cause for friction between…
As of version 6.70, CodeMeter can now create Modified Context Files (*.WibuCmRaM) and combine Remote Update Files (*.WibuCmRaU) for…
A license portal gives users a means to personally manage the licenses they have bought. This reduces the need for costly support…
Software licenses are a valuable asset – and usually a limited resource. Their buyers will want to verify who actually uses them. This…
CodeMeter License Central is a great way to create, deliver, and manage licenses that can be operated as a cloud or on-premise solution…
CodeMeter License Central allows you to deliver and update licenses in many different ways. Two new features introduced in version 3.20…
A license portal can increase customer satisfaction and reduce operating costs by offering self-service functions. Your users are given…
I like to compare CodeMeter to a steering wheel. Software developers choose suppliers and integrate their copy protection or licensing…
Named User Licenses are a new type of license that is bound to a specific user. This might sound simple at first, but virtually every…
Do you know a butcher who is a vegetarian or a passionate car salesman who drives a model from a different brand? These are just…
Many software developers use CodeMeter Runtime and encrypt their applications with AxProtector. They want to know when new innovations…
Operating the CodeMeter License Central back office solution over the Internet is not rocket science, but it might require certain…
The last edition of KEYnote introduced you to the fundamental concept of the CodeMeter License Transfer function. Today, we will…
The information on a CodeMeter license server can be accessed locally or from remote machines via a dedicated web interface. Called…
Organizing your products has just become even easier with CodeMeter License Central 2.20: Product bundles allow you to structure your…
CodeMeter 6 introduced the new type of Firm Code for different CmContainers, which can be stored either in CodeMeter hardware…
License servers in the user’s network have become increasingly popular options in the recent past. As a software developer, you leave…
Many challenges, one solution: Nested Product Items facilitate license configuration, prevent inconsistencies with licensing modular…
Originally founded in 1972, SAP has steadily been expanding and intensifying its presence in the world market. Countless global…
Creating, delivering, and managing licenses has never been easier with the latest edition of CodeMeter License Central. Many changes,…
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