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With our work in IT security, protection, and licensing, we are doing our part for a more secure digital world. But our mission does not end with the digital sphere. At Wibu-Systems, we are committed to helping worthwhile causes that make our world safer and more liveable everywhere.

Our Support to nph

Since 2013, Wibu-Systems has actively supported nph Kinderhilfe Lateinamerika e.V., a charity focused on aiding vulnerable children. The company's initial commitment was to "Pasos Pequeñitos," a daycare in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, that allows single mothers to work or train while their children are safely cared for. Over the years, Wibu-Systems expanded its support to other nph initiatives across various countries. It has participated in holiday gift-giving and other special occasions, but its social responsibility extends to sustainable projects as well. In 2016, they installed a safe water source in a Haitian primary school, and in 2017 shifted their focus to emergency relief efforts and healthcare. By 2018, they contributed to building a wall for a girls' high school in Guatemala and improving IT in Bolivia. Since 2020, they have been involved in school construction in Haiti. Following the school's successful opening in October 2022, Wibu-Systems will continue its support in Haiti by aiding a pediatric hospital in combating child mortality and malnutrition.

Your support for education in Haiti  Your support for a safer childhood in Honduras

Our Support to Kiva

“Make a loan, change a life”: That is Kiva’s claim, and it has been proven by the success stories of millions of recipients of Kiva loans. All around the world, the support provided by microfinance loans has enabled businesses to flourish and people to succeed with their hopes and dreams, with just a little start-up help.

In November 2022, Wibu-Systems became part of an active community of lenders who are financing the loans that make all of this possible. Discover the people we are supporting with microfinance loans throughout the world. From Asia to the Americas and Africa to Europe, our support through Kiva is making a difference by giving people the financial backup they need to secure their livelihoods, become independent with their professions, or take their businesses to the next level.

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Our Support for Code.org

Wibu-Systems USA is a proud supporter of Code.org, a Seattle-based educational nonprofit organization dedicated to the vision that every student in every school has the opportunity to learn computer science as part of their core K-12 education. Through its efforts, the publicly funded organization is focused on expanding access to computer science in all schools, with particular focus on increasing participation by young women and students from other underrepresented groups.

The organization sponsors a wide variety of global activities, workshops, and collaborative projects for both students and teachers to further their educational goals. Over 80 million students and 2 million teachers are engaged in the Code.org educational community.

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Our Support for the Tiny Houses Association of Karlsruhe

A little can go a long way: Wibu-Systems believes in the power of technology and innovative thinking to solve many of the challenges we face in today’s world, and this is expressed perfectly in the work of the Tiny Houses Association of Karlsruhe. The Association was formed in 2018 to explore the potential of ecologically and socially sustainable tiny house designs for making the urban space more eco-friendly, equitable, and inclusive. With a tiny house designed by our friends at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, the Association is putting its vision into practice and showing the world why small and simple often beats big and complex – a principle we can subscribe to at Wibu-Systems.

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Our Support for the Canisiushausverein

Staying close to its roots, Wibu-Systems is proud to support the work of the Canisiushaus and Canisiushaus Association, located in the Südstadt quarter of Karlsruhe, just 1 mile from our headquarters. The private initiative is an active member of the community formed to support the local parish of our Lady in the Archdiocese of Freiburg, funded solely by donations and members’ contributions. With its financial means and dedicated volunteers, the Association supports a wide range of community activities including the parish library, child-care, an amateur theatre troupe, and other initiatives, as well as a vital commitment to a healthier and sustainable environment.

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Our Support to the University of Music Karlsruhe

Wibu-Systems is also supporting the excellent work of the University of Music Karlsruhe as a sign of our commitment to the local cultural and academic community in Karlsruhe. The Foundation for the Promotion of the University of Music Karlsruhe was set up in 2021 to mark the 50th anniversary of the University of Music. Its mission is to support new professorships, the development of further research and teaching infrastructure on CampusOne, and innovative cultural projects. As one of the Friends of the University of Music Karlsruhe, Wibu-Systems was proud to be among the first supporters of the Foundation and help the University maintain its place as a hotspot for musical excellence.

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