Karlsruhe Developers‘ Days

2023-06-14 - 2023-06-15
IHK Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany

The Karlsruhe Developers’ Days is returning to our hometown in June, and we are excited to be part of this special software engineering meet-up at the Karlsruhe Chamber of Commerce. With contributions ranging from distributed architectures to security and data protection, a topic close to our hearts, as well as four high profile keynote speakers including Dr. Franz Röösli from Zurich’s Institute for Organizational Viability or Tobias Schrödel, once called “Germany’s first IT comedian”, the Developers’ Days will be a great opportunity to catch up on the latest news and stories from the developer scene and jump right into the Karlsruhe software engineering community.

Wibu-Systems will be an active contributor to this headline event for our local IT scene. We are present at the Chamber of Commerce with two talks, including a special head-to-head discussion between our team members Dr. Carmen Kempka, Director Corporate Technology, and Maurice Heumann, software developer, on Software protection and obfuscation: When theory meets real attackers. In their talk on 14 June at 2.30 pm, they will be addressing the basic questions of “security by obfuscation” from the theoretical angle and the view from the front, i.e. what hackers would do to circumvent obfuscation-based security and what developers can do to counter them.

In her second presentation on 15 June at 11.45 am, Dr. Kempka will be back with one of the issues motivating much of her professional work: Artificial Intelligence and what it means for IT security. As AI is taking over more and more critical jobs e.g. in the medical field, the AI community needs to find ways to shield their powerful new tools from tampering and corruption, which means covering every stage from the underlying datasets to the training process, and the IP of the finished AI. Carmen Kempka will again combine the theoretical angle with a look at the types of attacks one should expect in practice and the countermeasures that can be taken against them.


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