IoT Evolution East

2019-01-29 - 2019-02-01
Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA

IoT Evolution East will connect the IoT ecosystem with worldwide business leaders who will discuss how to leverage the power of the IoT to transform and move your business forward.

Through informative conference tracks, an IoT Exhibition floor, case studies, special events, networking and more attendees will understand how the Internet of Things (IoT) will be the driving forces behind improving efficiencies, driving revenue opportunities and solving business problems across multiple industries and in nearly all business functional areas.


Marcellus Buchheit, President and CEO, Wibu-Systems USA will participate in 2 panel discussions during the event:

  • The Broad Picture on Industrial Controls Panel Discussion
    Wednesday, January 30, 11:45 a.m.
    Marcellus will join Vinay Nathan, CEO of Altizon Systems, and David Wentzloff, CTO of PsiKick, for a discussion on how IIoT is expanding the knowledge of production with use of sensors to improve the business processes and gather real-time information.
  • IoT Security General Session – Security Hype, Hysteria & Hope
    Friday, February 1, 10:00 a.m.
    Security is like an onion, as it has several layers and sometimes cutting through the layers can make you cry. How do you implement a full strategy that covers everything from the physical security of sensors in the field to back end systems vulnerable to denial of service and other Internet based cyberattacks? This panel gets past the fear to speak about the practical. Marcellus will join a number of distinguished security experts during this special panel discussion.
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