Frequently Asked Questions


Installation & Maintenance

  • To display a maintenance page for CodeMeter License Central, a script is available that allows easy switching.

    Log in to the console of the VM or via ssh: (default login user: cmlcadmin password: CodeMeter).

    The script located at /home/cmlcadmin can be started or toggled as follows:
    sudo ./ on
    sudo ./ off
  • To create a database backup, please proceed as follows
    (it is assumed that the default VM image is used with local database and default passwords):

    1. Log on to Webmin (http://<License Central IP>:10000/).
    2. Navigate via the "Servers | MySQL Database Server" entry of the navigation menu to the page of the same name.※

    3. Activate the "boi"-button and click on symbol.

    4. Click the "Backup Database" button.
    5. Select the options:
    - Download in browser
    - Backup with a transaction: yes

    6. Create the backup using the "Backup Now" button.
    7. Save the backup to the desired location.

    This only describes how to create a one-time backup that you can download directly from the browser.
    It is recommended to perform automatic backups on a regular basis.
    Further information can be found in the "CodeMeter License Central Installations & Customization" manual in the chapter "General Information | Creating a Database Backup".
  • For the next steps, please use the IP address or the DNS name of CodeMeter License Central. The respective information you find in the currently displayed URL you are using, if operating on the License Central GUI.

    For the creation please proceed as follows:
    1. Open a web browser and call License Central using the URL followed by 10000.
    2. Login using your credentials for the Unix login.
    Default username is “cmlcadmin” and password “CodeMeter”.
    3. Navigate to "CodeMeter License Central | 4. Support" and tab "CmDust & Log Files".
    4. Insert as DB User “boi_admin” and as DB Password “iob_admin”.
    These are the default settings. After inserting the credentials click
    'Create CmDust & Log Files'.
    5. After file creation, click on highlighted “cmdust_”Numbers”.tar.gz”
    to download the log files.
    6. Send the created log files to Wibu-Systems.
  • OpenSSL is required to generate the .crt and .pem files. On most Linux distributions, this package is pre-installed or available from the main sources. There is also a version for Windows. Alternatively, you can use WSL (Windows Subsystem Linux).

    Creating the .cert certificate file
    Enter the following command line:
    openssl pkcs12 -in <certificate file.p12> -out <certificate file.crt> -clcerts -nokeys

    Creating the .pem key
    Enter the following command line:
    openssl pkcs12 -in <certificate.file.p12> -out <key.file.pem> -nocerts -nodes

    Note: In both cases, you will be prompted to enter the password that you received with your .p12 certificate, usually in the form of a .p12 certificate file.
  • Customizing the WebDepot to an existing Corporate Design is easily done.

    For the following steps, you require an account on allowing to download CodeMeter License Central Internet Edition. If you have no account, please register at
    Your registration will be checked by our staff.
    After approval you may also ask for the download privileges for CodeMeter License Central Internet Edition.

    Then download from the website the current WebDepot version ( | CodeMeter License Central | CodeMeter License Central Internet | Extensions) and also the manual for the Internet Extensions ( | Manual for Developers | CodeMeter License Central Extensions - Internet Edition).

    In order to provide the WebDepot for any PHP server, please consider the configuration information in chapter 5.3. You do not have to customize the parameter WSDL_ROOT.
  • The import of the migration data package can also be initiated manually in CodeMeter License Central without the need for the Webmin interface. This is especially recommended if the migration package is very large (several gigabytes).
    Please proceed as follows:

    - Copy your migration data Tar.GZ file directly to CodeMeter License Central (WebMin(Upload) or WinSCP or similar) into the directory /home/cmlcadmin/import.
    - Login to the console or via ssh to CodeMeter License Central.
    - Change to the directory /home/cmlcadmin/import.
    - Execute the command sudo ./<name of the backup>. Now the archive is unpacked automatically and the import is running.

    The import command deletes the backup archive automatically after the import has taken place.
    Important: Always use the absolute path to the backup file and do not unpack the file manually before.
    Unless you want to perform all steps of the script manually.
  • If the TomEE heap space memory is full, it may be sufficient to restart the TomEE daemon once.
    If the memory becomes full on a regular basis, it may be necessary to increase this memory.
    Please proceed as follows:

    1. Edit the /etc/default/tomee file (root privileges required)
    2. Search for the setting JAVA_OPTS
    e.g: JAVA_OPTS="-Djava.awt.headless=true -Xmx1024m -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC"
    3. Increase the heap space memory configured with -Xmx.
    e.g: JAVA_OPTS="-Djava.awt.headless=true -Xmx2048m -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC" "JAVA_OPTS="-Djava.awt.headless=true
    4. Save the file
    5. Restart the TomEE-Daemon.
    sudo service tomee restart

    Note: You may need to allocate more memory to the virtual machine (VM).
  • When you try to updating the Ubuntu system via, "sudo apt-get update" and you didn't resave any updates. Then this often happens because "apt" does not find a DNS server.

    One possibility would be to enter the Google DNS in the resolv.conf file and make it known to the system, or if it is present enter your DNS Server.

    sudo nano -w /etc/systemd/resolv.conf
    # This file is managed by man:systemd-resolved(8). Do not edit.
    # This is a dynamic resolv.conf file for connecting local clients to the
    # internal DNS stub resolver of systemd-resolved. This file lists all
    # configured search domains.
    # Run "resolvectl status" to see details about the uplink DNS servers
    # currently in use.
    # Third party programs must not access this file directly, but only through the
    # symlink at /etc/resolv.conf. To manage man:resolv.conf(5) in a different way,
    # replace this symlink by a static file or a different symlink.
    # See man:systemd-resolved.service(8) for details about the supported modes of
    # operation for /etc/resolv.conf.

    options edns0 trust-ad

    Then apt should work.
  • The CodeMeter License Central Log often contains warning messages with the text "... took unusually long ...".

    These are initially warnings, not errors. In addition, it is not uncommon for these outputs to appear in the log when a labor-intensive task is running in parallel.
    Usually the message comes from the "Reporting" group - in this group all relevant outputs of the reporting task are classified. This Reporting Task is parallel to the "Working" Task of License Central, but is executed with lower priority than this main task. As a result, more processing time is allocated to the work task than to the reporting task under heavy load - which in turn leads to slower processing of the reporting queue.
    In most cases this means"... took unusually long ..." only indicates that the reporting task was processed a little slower.
  • 1. Preparing the License Central machine
    Regardless of whether you use the Ubuntu 16.04 VM provided by WibuSystems or your
    own Linux environment, the first step is to install the License Central according to these
    1.1 Customize 'Hostname'
    If you have not already done so, give the License Central machine a unique hostname
    in your network.
    2. Preparing Database machine
    At this point, it is assumed that remote access to the database is already
    possible, e.g. the binding of MySQL to in the mysql.cnf file is already commented
    out and the port 3306 is not being accessed by the firewall is blocked on the computers involved.
    2.1 Customizing 'Hostname
    If you have not already done so, give the database computer a unique host names in your network.
    2.2 Creating a database
    First, a new database is created on the database server. If it is is an update, this step is omitted.
    mysql -u<admin_user> -p
    CREATE DATABASE <DatabaseName>;
    2.3 Creating Users and Assigning Authorizations
    Now an administrative user is created, which can be accessed from the License Central
    machine and is allowed to access the License Central database.
    - Administrative user
    CREATE USER lc_dbadmin@'IP address of the LC computer' IDENTIFIED by
    TO lc_dbadmin@'IP address of the LC computer';
    - Normal user
    CREATE USER boi@'IP address of the LC computer' IDENTIFIED by 'iob';
    GRANT All ON <DatabaseName>.* TO boi@'IP address of the LC computer';
    2.3.1 Test
    To test the remote access, you can try to get from the License
    Central machine to access the remote database server.
    mysql -ulc_dbadmin -p<password> -h <IP Address of the database server>
    If you are given access to the remote database, the basic
    configuration is correct.
    3. Customizing License Central Installation
    Now the License Central must be installed for access to a remote database
    can be adapted.
    3.1 Customizing the file
    Edit the /etc/wibu/licensecentral/ file on the
    License Central machine:
    db_url=jdbc:mysql://<IP database server>:3306/<databaseName>
    db_user=boi # Name of the normal user
    db_password=iob # normal user's password
    Save the file and restart the License Central machine.
    4. Create a new database
    To create the new database schema correctly, use LcUserSupportTool.
    To do this, change to the directory /home/cmlcadmin/tools.
    java -jar LcUserSupportTool.jar -createDatabase <Administrative User> <Password <
    Administrative user> localhost 8080
    5. Update existing database
    The same procedure is used for a database update.
    Before proceeding, please make sure that you have a complete, up-to-date backup
    of your database!
    cd /home/cmlcadmin/tools
    java -jar LcUserSupportTool.jar -updateDatabase <Administrative User> <Password
    Administrative user> localhost 8080
  • On uploading the *.tar.gz file to CodeMeter License Central problems may occur.
    This may be caused by the used web browser, Internet settings of the operating system or the used Active-Directory policies.
    To be able to Install / update CodeMeter License Central regardless this behavior you can use a manual procedure to upload the *.tar.gz file and run it manually.
    Please proceed as follows:

    - Upload the *.tar.gz file using a FTP program (WinSCP, FileZilla, WebMin File Upload) to “/home/cmlcadmin/updates/”
    - Connect via SSH login to CodeMeter License Central (Putty or directly SSH connection to CLC VM)
    - Switch to the correct path with command: “cd /home/cmlcadmin/updates/”
    - Execute the file with the following command: “sudo ./ “*.tar.gz file name here” |& tee –a update-install.log”

    As soon as the installation is completed, you can proceed using CodeMeter License Central.
    If an error occurred during the Installation, please send us the fog file, i.e. update-install.log, that was created during this process.
  • For manually updating the CodeMeter License Central database manually, please proceed as follows:
    - Connect to CodeMeter License Central via SSH ( Putty, direct SSH connection).
    - Advance to the folder “/home/cmlcadmin/tools” , e.g. “cd /home/cmlcadmin/tools”.
    - Run LcUserSupportTool.jar to start the process of updating the database without a GUI interface.
    Example: “java –jar LcUserSupportTool.jar –updateLocalDatabase boi_admin iob_admin”
    Please note, that boi_admin and iob_admin are the default login credentials for the
    database of CodeMeter License Central. If they got adapted or changed, you have to do
    this here as well.
    Short overview of available commands of the LcUserSupportTool:

    * -updateWebXml: Update settings in 'web.xml' file
    * -checkDatabaseVersion: Tries to check the current database version.
    * -checkDatabaseConnection: Check if database connection is available
    * -setInfoDatabase: Set username/password/host/etc... information in 'web.xml' file.
    * -createLocalDatabase: Tries to create the local MySQL database if a standard account is available.
    * -version: Print out version of this tool.
    * -infoDatabase: Get username/password/host/etc... information from 'web.xml' file.
    * -createDatabase: Tries to create a database.
    * -updateLocalDatabase: Tries to update the local MySQL database.
    * -build: Print out build number of this tool.
    * -updateDatabase: Tries to update the current database.
  • For safeguarding a Connector, by default, the following options exist:

    1. https with client certificate
    You receive a special client certificate for this
    connection to the Connector.
    2. https with basic authentication
    We create a user name including password required
    for establishing the https connection.
    3. IP filtering
    We accept incoming calls only, if they originate from
    the specified IP address.
  • In general a Webdepot should been hosted on a separate Webserver to secure the communication with our LC.

    If you want to use the LC for hosting the Webdepot for testing purposes the Webdepot do the following:

    - copy the folder "webdepot" to "/var/www/LicenseCentral/public"
    - edit the "" at "/var/www/LicenseCentral/public/webdepot/conf"
    // Url to the web services in CodeMeter License Central
    // IP address of CodeMeter License Central
    define("WSDL_ROOT", "http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/");

    // Path on local drive
    define("REAL_PATH_ON_DISK", "/var/www/LicenseCentral/public/webdepot/");
    - restart the apache Webserver or better restart the LC VM-

    After this the Webdepot is available via the URL: http://<URL or IP of your LC>/webdepot/index.php
  • 1. Overview of the processing status of the report tasks.
    The command to get an overview is as follows:
    select finished+0, failed+0, locked+0, count(*) from report_task group by finished, failed, locked;
    If there is nothing to process, ideally only one line will be returned,
    only one line with "1 0 0 ...".
    If something is in progress, another line is returned with "0 0 1 ...".

    2. Handle tasks that are always 'locked' permanently
    The command to search for reporting tasks that are locked but older.
    These entries are usually entries that are left over when Tomee
    crashes or quits hard.
    select count(*) from report_task where locked = true and id < (select id from report_task where finished =true order by id desc limit 1);

    a) If these are only a few entries, you can output them using the
    following command:
    select *, locked+0 from report_task where locked = true and id < (select id from report_task where finished= true order by id desc limit 1);
    b) You must then manually mark these entries again for editing using
    the following command:
    update report_task set locked = false where locked = true and id < (select id from report_task where finished = true order by id desc limit 1);
    The fact that the processing has started can be read in licensecentral.log
    after a short time.
  • Important:
    If you want to to migrate a License Central <2.10 you have to perform a interim migration to a License Central >= 2.10 and < 3.30 to trigger the analysing and reassign process for older data.

    Upgrade CodeMeter License Central Desktop from >= 2.10 auf 3.x

    The upgrade process covers two basic steps. Firstly, using a separate tool you export the database and some important files from the previous version into an archive. Please make sure you have performed a data backup. Then you transfer the extracted files to the new set up version and perform some adjustments.

    Data export from the previous version

    1. If needed: download the License Central Update "Version 1.20 or newer --> 1.52!" from the developer area at Wibu-Systems Homepage (License Central - Updates)
    2. Install in Webmin using "Update" in "Others | Custom Commands" entry of the navigation menu.
    You are prompted to save the *.tar.gz file.
    3. Download the Data Export Tools for version 1.52 from the developer area at Wibu-Systems
    4. Install in Webmin using "Update" in "Others | Custom Commands" entry of the navigation menu.
    You are prompted to save the *.tar.gz file.

    This extracts the database and the files CmFirm.wbc, Server.ini, CmActFi.wbb (if CmActLicense is deployed), application.ini and from the previous version required for the migration.
    Please check, if these files have been actually saved to the archive. The *.tar.gz should be able to be opened using packaging tools, e.g. 7zip etc.

    Data import and adjustments in the new version
    The import of those files must be performed manually. Please proceed as follows:
    1. Copy the extracted database and files to the virtual machine of the new version
    (using File Manager – in the case of bigger databases, this can take some time).

    Copy database and adjustments
    1. Delete the existing database 'boi' (using "Servers | MySQL | 'boi' select |
    "Drop Selected Database").
    2. Create new database with name 'boi'. Setttings must not be changed.
    3. Select database 'boi' and click button "Run SQL from file". Select previously copied file
    'boi.sql' and execute it using button "Execute".

    This has copied the database. Now you must up-to-date it. This requires the access to the commandline of CodeMeter License Central, e.g. "WebMin | Others |> Command Shell“.
    Please proceed as follows:
    1. Switch to directory "/home/cmlcadmin/tools" (cd cd /home/cmlcadmin/tools).
    2. Execute the following upgrade command:
    java -jar LcUserSupportTool.jar -updateLocalDatabase boi_admin iob_admin.
    After completing this step you should be able to login to the graphical user interface.

    Copy additional important files
    Now the files CmFirm.wbc, eventually CmAct-FI-**.wbb, Server.ini and, if you customized, the files application.ini and must be copied.
    For copying the files, please proceed as follows:
    1. Import the files CmFirm.wbc and CmAct-Fi**.wbb using CodeMeter License Central Plugin
    "Configuration | Import CodeMeter File".
    2. Import the file Server.ini using the commandline.
    For this, stop CodeMeter service (command: service codemeter stop).
    Using File Manager to replace file Server.ini in directory "/etc/wibu/CodeMeter/".
    Then restart CodeMeter service (command: service codemeter start).
    3. The file application.ini you can replace using File Manager you find in the directory
    The file you can replace using File Manager you find in the
    directory "/var/www/LicenseCentral/application/configs/".
  • A) Adaption of the CodeMeter License Central VM:
    The following adjustments are to be made in the CodeMeter License Central VM via Webmin, if a proxy server is used:
    1. Open the environment file in the Editor via Webmin: sudo nano -w /etc/environment
    2. Insert a new line for the proxy server: http proxy:://<proxy:<PORT number>>
    If necessary, the name or IP of the proxy server must be entered here and additionally the port through which the proxy communicates (try it out if necessary).
    3. Save the file.
    4. Open the file /etc/apt/apt.conf or create a new one and enter the following:
    Acquire::http::proxy "http://Proxy:PORT/";
    Acquire::https::proxy "http://Proxy:PORT/";
    5. Restart the VM.

    B) SEH Installation (Internet access of the VM required!!)
    1. Download the latest drivers for SEH as *.deb for the VM and transfer them to the VM via Webmin The following packages are required:
    - seh-utn-driver_3.0.XX-1dkms_all.deb (driver)
    - seh-utn-service_3.0.XX-1_amd64.deb (Service)
    - seh-utn-clitool_3.0.XX-1_amd64.deb (Tool "utnm")
    2. Execute the command: sudo apt-get -f install Missing installation components are installed.
    3. Install the driver for SEH with the following command: sudo dpkg -i seh-utn-driver_3.0.XX-1dkms_all.deb.
    4. Resolve the dependencies by calling the command again: sudo apt-get -f install.
    5. Install the service component with command: sudo dpkg -i seh-utn-service_3.0.XX-1_amd64.deb.
    6. Install the tool "utnm" with command: sudo dpkg -i seh-utn-clitool_3.0.XX-1_amd64.deb.

    All required drivers are now installed.

    C) SEH Operation:
    Now myUTN can be accessed. The following commands are available:

    - Reading a myUTN USB server:
    utnm -c "getlist <myUTN DNSName/IP Address>"
    - Activate a CmDongle on myUTN:
    utnm -c "activate <myUTN DNSName/IP Address> <Port Number on Server>"
    - Deactivating a CmDongle on myUTN
    utnm -c "deactivate < myUTN DNSName/IP address> <Port number on server>"
    - Automatic Activation of a CmDongle on myUTN
    utnm -c "set autoconnect=true < myUTN DNSName/IP address> <Port number on server>"

    D) Activate the HID-CmDongle in SEH UTN Manager:
    If a CmDongle that is programmed as a Human Interface Device (HID) is recognized by the operating system but is not displayed in the SEH UTN Manager, you may have to activate HID recognition in the SEH UTN Manager configuration. Proceed as follows:
    1. Open the SEH UTN Manager.
    2. Select UTN Server/Device.
    3.Select the "UTN Server" menu.
    4. Select "Configuration" (a browser window opens).
    5. Select "Security" in my UTN Control Center.
    6. Select "Device Access" in the menu on the left.
    7. uncheck "Disable input devices (HID class)" in the USB devices section at the bottom of the page.
    8. Click the "Save" button.
    9. Select the UTN server/device in the SEH UTN Manager and click the "Update" button.

    The CmDongle should now be displayed in SEH UTN Manager and recognized by CodeMeter.
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