INDUSTRY.forward EXPO 2023

2023-10-17 - 2023-10-27
Virtual Event

INDUSTRY.forward 2023 is not your normal conference. The event’s organizers at publish-industry have brought together an ambitious program for a two-week, self-styled "expo festival": 60 companies under the spotlights, 90 mind-opener and keynote sessions with 80 high-profile speakers, and more. INDUSTRY.forward aspires to bring together the cream of the crop on its seven dedicated stages: Net-Zero Industry, Next technology, Industrial solutions, Factory, Process, Electronics, and Energy.

With our expertise spanning across several of the stages at INDUSTRY.forward 2023, Wibu-Systems was spoilt for choice when it came to opportunities to contribute. Eventually, our headline went with a topic close to the heart of Dr. Carmen Kempka, our Director Corporate Technologies: “Protecting AI Applications and Models”. The lecture will take place at 11 am on 17 October.

2023 is the year of AI: The technology has made the leap into the public consciousness and into productive use in commercial applications. But one topic remains sidelined in the current debate about ethics and technological potential: Security and trustworthiness. In her lecture, Dr. Kempka will be speaking about ways to secure the entire machine learning lifecycle, from the datasets used to train the underlying models to the running AI service. With CodeMeter recently adding new capabilities to protect Python code – favored by AI developers everywhere – Wibu-Systems is again spearheading security for a technology that is set to revolutionize the industrial world.

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