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2019-10-28 - 2019-10-30
Meliá Hotel, Düsseldorf, Germany

EKON 23 welcomes the world’s leading Delphi experts, thinkers, and practitioners to share their craft’s secrets, offering a deep dive for the modern developer and architect aiming to transform technologies into valuable business solutions. The very latest Delphi innovations, novel IoT, web and cloud cross-platform technologies, frameworks, tools, architecture and design tips, tricks, and techniques are in store at the show.

Ruediger Kuegler, our VP Sales and Security Expert, is a veteran of this event. This year, you can join him on October 28th at 4.15 pm for a one-hour session on Applied cryptography - Avoiding mistakes in practice. He will be taking a look at the current state of the art of cryptographic methods. Starting from the basics, such as hash values ​​(MD5, SHA), digital signatures, symmetric (AES) and asymmetric (RSA, ECC) encryption algorithms, he will reveal the criteria you should apply when choosing the best possible option for your specific purpose. The best practices for data encryption will be the major highlight of his lecture, as poor choices related to the operating mode (ECB, CBC, CTR) can compromise safety and small implementation errors can have dramatic consequences. Let’s get a real taste of what software developers need to master these days to protect their IP for good.

From its vantage point as a global cybersecurity leader, Wibu-Systems has had the opportunity to acquire a tremendous wealth of experience in the field. This included not only selecting top-breed professionals throughout the 30 years of its commitment to top-notch protection, licensing, and security solutions, but also keeping in close touch with its customers and accompanying them along their software monetization journey. The result of this forward-thinking attitude is CodeMeter, the complete security and entitlement platform that acts as a gatekeeper against piracy, reverse engineering, and tampering attempts and enables lean and versatile business models.

Don’t be shy! Fire your questions at us at the show and request your very own CodeMeter SDK: your protection and licensing experience will be transformed forever.



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