




CodeMeterの無料SDKで、ソフトウェア保護とライセンス作成を評価してみませんか?SDKには、CodeMeter License Centralのデスクトップエディションと、ソフトウェアの保護を開始するためのすべてのツールとライブラリ、2つのCmDongle、および最初のデモライセンスを作成する権利が含まれています。お申込みいただいた後に、ご使用のOSや環境、開発言語などを確認し、最適なソリューションをご提案します。

SDK のお申込み


Let’s imagine you have just received your CodeMeter SDK. What are the first steps you can take? This short tutorial walks you through the processes as illustrated in the Quick Start Guide that you’ll find in your package. It offers an additional visual demonstration of how to successfully protect your very first application in just a few minutes.

Test the waters with CodeMeter​​​​​​​






When you choose CodeMeter, you will come across the terms Firm Code and Product Code again and again. The encryption keys that will protect your software from piracy and reverse engineering are derived from them. Firm Code and Product Code are thus vital for the entire license lifecycle management process from the license’s creation to its delivery.

Learn CodeMeter Terminology





Facts count more than words. In this tutorial, you’ll see how easy it is to effectively protect .NET applications against decompiling and reverse engineering. With AxProtector .NET, a module of CodeMeter Protection Suite, you will be able to encrypt your applications, obfuscate function names, and insert traps, among many other functions at your disposal.

Protect your first .NET Application


In the digital age, cloud licensing is the new frontier. CodeMeter equips you with several ways to create, manage, and distribute your licenses in the cloud, offer applications in SaaS mode, store licenses in the cloud for end users to enjoy the software wherever they want, or let users avail themselves of a self-service portal to be fully independent.

Choose the right CodeMeter Module


Keep track of what’s going on in the industry with Wibu-Systems’ whitepapers: Big or small, all software developers and software-driven businesses are facing the same type of threats and the same opportunities. Our dedicated whitepaper introduces all the options you have to pick the right protection system to suit your scale – and then scale up.

Scale up your business





スマートファクトリーやIndustrie4.0など、昨今のつながる(connected) 世界では、ハッキング、改ざん、リバースエンジニアリングへの対応がソフトウェアの収益を守るために必要です。CodeMeterならすぐに使用できる簡単なソリューションで、悪意ある攻撃者からソフトウェアを守ります。 CodeMeterで世界を守りましょう!



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